Innocent young Brad and Janet seek refuge in a mysterious castle on a rainy night. Inside, they encounter the lab of Dr. Frank ‘N’ Furter and his madcap gaggle of aliens and misfits, who lead the young couple on an intergalactic adventure of sexual discovery and rock-and-roll.
Read MoreThe Unauthorized Autobiography of Samantha Brown
Benjamin is currently understudying the role of Adam in Kerrigan and Lowdermilk's The Unauthorized Autobiography of Samantha Brown.
Read MoreMilo at the Movies Workshop
Benjamin will be workshopping a brand new American musical titled, Milo at the Movies under the direction of Alexander Greenfield. Ben will be creating the role of Milo, as the musical will be workshopped for 4 days in January at the Aurora Theatre in Lawrenceville, GA with a staged performance on January 29th.
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